Niacin Found to Potentially Enhance Cardiovascular Health

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( — March 27, 2018) Orlando, FL — Today, more and more people are suffering from heart conditions. In addition to following a healthy diet and lifestyle, it is also wise to consider how certain vitamins can help improve the well-being of the heart.

Niacin has been found to potentially enhance cardiovascular health. The use of this B vitamin has long been linked with a range of health benefits. It can be obtained from food or through the use of certain supplements.

According to experts, niacin is also called nicotinic acid. It can be obtained from eating beans, turkey, red meat, chicken and grains. It is a needed nutrient for human health.

It has been found that this vitamin can increase the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) by 20 to 35 percent. This is beneficial for health considering that HDL is a good cholesterol.

What makes it even more beneficial is that it can also decrease small low-density lipoprotein (small LDL) particles. This is important because small LDL is a not-so-known cause of heart disease.

It has further been discovered to be the most effective nutrient for correcting such abnormal patterns.

Niacin plays many roles for human health. It can be obtained from food, but there are B vitamin complex formulas available. It can ward off diseases that are difficult or costly to treat.

As one of the essential B vitamins, experts recommend that people understand more of its roles in the human body. Niacin can be particularly helpful to those who want to increase protection to their heart.

One of the most amazing things about this B vitamin is that it can also cause a decrease in the levels of triglycerides by 30 percent. It can even reduce very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles and lipoprotein. 

Researchers found that niacin has an ability to block fatty acid release from fat cells. It is worth learning that only fewer fatty acids are passed through the liver. This can lead to fewer VLDL particles, which also results in less small LDL as well as higher HDL. Niacin may also dramatically reduce the risk of heart attack.

Purest Vantage B Vitamin Complex can be a great source not just of niacin but also other B vitamins. This formula is highly potent and is crafted carefully in an FDA-approved facility, and according to strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines.

This amazing formula is also protected with a complete customer satisfaction guarantee.

It contains Choline, Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin and vitamin B6.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


390 North Orange Avenue
Suite 2300-C
Orlando, FL 32801
United States
(407) 208-2064