Swim During Your Period the Right Way

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(Newswire.net — September 7, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — There’s almost nothing as infuriating for a woman than planning a really awesome pool party or beach trip only to be surprised by her period on the day. Most women can count their menstrual days like clockwork but even then spotting or a lighter flow may precede their cycle unexpectedly so it’s always best to be well informed with backup plans and precautionary mechanisms. 

Know Thy Period. Period!

Understanding just how heavy or light your menstrual flow is generally will help in selecting the ideal sanitary application and size to meet your individual needs. If unsure, it may be best to work with one size larger than whatever your best guess happens to be. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Experiencing leakage is never a nice feeling so prepare and keep pristine. 

You Can Never Be Too Prepared

While you’d think it goes without saying, some women are unaware that it’s just wrong to attempt swimming during your period wearing no protection or using only a sanitary pad. Menstrual cups and tampons are the best applications to use for entering the water in the middle of your menstrual cycle. The same super absorbent quality one loves about pads is what works against them when submerged as it quickly takes in water which displaces the trapped blood, which means it spreads your period through the pool. 

Exercise Wise

Swimming a big or deep pool is not advised if you’re prone to debilitating torso aches and pains. The sudden unset of such unease while in the water can spell danger. It’s best to limit oneself to smaller bodies of water like say a Jacuzzi, hot tub or even a shallow kiddie pool, there’s no shame in playing it safe. 

The medical fraternity has approved the boric acid formula used in Femme-Fresh™ also keeps malodor at bay and refreshes so well that it’s even recommended by gynecologists. After all that fun and your period is done, employing a vaginal suppository such at the HealthyWiser™ Femme-Fresh™ is a great way to restore vaginal pH balance. 

HealthyWiser LLC

109 E 17TH ST STE 420
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States