Experts Now Warn There Is A Link Between Weight Gain And Burnout, Job Demands

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( — February 11, 2020) Orlando, FL — Experts warn that between 1975 and 2016, the worldwide rate of obesity nearly tripled. In 2016, it has been found that over 1.9 billion adults were categorized as overweight. 

The World Health Organization statistics continue to alarm health authorities and this is due to the fact that obesity is closely associated with the onset of various diseases. 

There are various factors found to contribute to weight gain. Aside from unhealthy dietary and lifestyle practices, it is worth mentioning that in a new study, work is also a risk factor. 

A study was published online in the Journal of Health Psychology.

In this research, it has been found that employees burdened with heavier workloads or who are burnt out were more susceptible to emotional eating and inadequate exercise. 

This research was carried out by Heather M. Padilla, Ph.D., from the University of Georgia in Athens and colleagues.

The investigators assessed the link between workload and exhaustion as well as the key health behaviors for weight loss. These particularly included nutrition and physical activity, among 953 employed adults.

They discovered that there was a link between workload and exhaustion with uncontrolled eating, emotional eating, and the percent of calories from fat. It is also important to mentioning that exhaustion was negatively linked with physical activity levels.

“We have so many things coming at us every day, and we only have so much energy. When our energy gets used up, we don’t have the energy to make ideal decisions about what we eat.” Padilla said.

Making dietary changes is vital for weight management. It can also be helpful to consider the use of some natural remedies like L-Carnitine, which has been found by studies to produce various health benefits.

L-Carnitine has been particularly found helpful for weight loss. One of the ways it works wonders in helping with weight management is its ability to enhance energy. It is worth realizing that enhanced energy could be extremely helpful in maintaining an exercise routine.

There are many people who struggle to follow their exercise routine due to low energy. This amino acid called L-Carnitine may work wonders inside the body to increase energy production.

Another mechanism L-Carnitine works in weight loss is its ability to aid in enhancing the body’s fat burning abilities. More particularly, this natural remedy aids in enhancing fat breakdown. 

Scientists even found it has been able to increase fat burning as well as energy expenditure during physical activity. 

Individuals who want to benefit from this natural remedy’s weight loss benefits may consider the use of Divine Bounty L-Carnitine (

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Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty have carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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