Tehran: ‘US Hides Truth About Assault on Base in Iraq’

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(Newswire.net — February 28, 2020) — Iranian Revolutionary Guard secretary Ali Shamkhani accused Washington today of concealing information about an Iranian missile attack on a US base in Iraq.

Shamkhani did not disclose details or any proof. The claim that the US is hiding the truth about an attack on its base in Iraq comes as a response to Pompeo’s accusations that Iran is hiding reports on corona virus spreading in this country, Reuters reports.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday accused the governments of China and Iran of censoring information about the outbreaks in their countries and putting the rest of the world at a greater risk of the spread of the virus.

China and Iran adamantly denied withholding information about the real scale of corona virus outbreak. Al Shamkhani tweeted that “Pompeo’s expression of concern about what he deems to be a cover-up by #Iran over #corona comes while no exact news about the truth of #Ain al-Asad…has been published by the White House.”

Iran launched a rocket attack on Ain al-Assad base in Iraq in early January, days after the killing of Iranian general Kasem Suleimani in a U.S. airstrike.

The U.S. military said no one was injured while Iranian military officials claimed several U.S. troops were killed in the military operation.

U.S. plans to complete maximum pressure on Iran through corona virus, Teheran Times quoted Shamkhani who claims the U.S. is putting psychological pressure on neighbors to close their borders with Iran, charting a “new roadmap.”

“It is planned that the maximum pressure strategy against Iran to be completed with the term ‘Corona’. Psychological pressure on countries to close their land and air routes and propagating lies… is the new roadmap,” Shamkhani tweeted, adding that they will defeat the Corona virus.