(Newswire.net — May 5, 2020) — A free conversational hypnosis induction has been launched by Self-help Breakthrough Coaching. It is designed to help persons suffering from anxiety, especially during the current pandemic.
A UK-based Self-help Breakthrough Coaching Program has released a free conversational hypnosis induction. The service is designed for persons who may be suffering from anxiety, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Details can be found at https://nlpcoachingskills.com/overcoming-anxiety
The newly launched free service will help anxiety sufferers to tap into confidence, capability, and gain a sense of control over themselves and their future. This is in light of the current challenges almost everyone in the world is facing today as a result of COVID-19.
The therapeutic company is aware of the fact that most therapies go about overcoming anxiety simply by pigeonholing them to prescriptively deal with them by defined type. However, the team believes that treating anxiety should be mainly about the individual as opposed to their diagnosis.
In their introduction to the treatment, Breakthrough Self-help Coaching highlighted 7 common types of anxiety that exist along with 5 questions that should be asked when dealing with the issue. The 7 are Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Separation Anxiety, Performance Anxiety, and phobias.
SAD is often classified as a social phobia based on a person’s sometimes fearful response to being in a social setting and interacting with others, while GAD is characterized by a person experiencing uncontrolled extreme fear, worry, and apprehension around specific situations.
PTSD often takes place due to war and other traumatic, emotional, or life-threatening events, while OCD causes a person to feel the need to repeat and or check action or behavior as a means of relieving stress. As the name indicates, Separation Anxiety is excessive and irrational stress and anxiety related to being separated.
Much like Separating Anxiety, Performance Anxiety produces stress when it comes to performing certain tasks like speaking on stage (stage fright or public speaking), playing sports, or even performing sexually. Phobias, on the other hand, are irrational fears that may have been triggered by a traumatic experience at the hands of the object or situation to which the fear is aimed.
The self-help breakthrough program aims to have persons answer questions about themselves in an attempt to heal. These include finding out the triggers of one’s anxiety, when it does or doesn’t occur, and the purpose of the anxiety.
Interested persons can visit the aforementioned website and either take part in the demo video or download the audio program.