Experts Now Show the Evidence-based Tricks to Increase Brain Power

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( — May 29, 2020) Orlando, FL — Multiple studies have been investigating on the ways to protect and enhance brain power.

According to researchers, one of the best ways to do it is to quit smoking. Smoking has long been associated with the development of a myriad of health issues. 

The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study in 2010.

The scientists of this research tracked 21,123 smokers from 1978 to 2008. It has been found subjects who smoked more than two packs of cigarettes a day doubled the rate of dementia when they were older.

Experts further stress the importance of getting quality sleep. It is recommended to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night to get some cognitive health benefits.

Choosing the right foods is also essential as there are ingredients and components in them that enhances and protects mental functioning. These include vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, berries, and omega-3s. 

It is also worth noting that protein is recommended and it can be found in eggs, meat, peas, and beans. Protein has high levels of amino acids like tyrosine, which can in turn cause neurons to produce the essential neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine.

Experts remind that these neurotransmitters are linked with mental alertness.

It is important to understand that some natural remedies have been found beneficial for brain health. One is Acai berry, which has long been gaining increasing attention among scientists due to its disease-fighting, health enhancing agents.

In some studies, acai has been found to offer protection to the brain against damage as it ages. This means it could be extremely helpful for individuals who want to increase their protection against diseases linked with aging.

Several research studies have also revealed that such protection was also observed in lab rats. This therapeutic berry has been found to have antioxidants that counteract the dangerous, damaging effects of inflammation as well as oxidation in the brain cells.

It is worth realizing that inflammation and brain cell oxidation have been found to have negative impacts on memory and learning. 

In one study, it has also been discovered that acai use led to improvements in the memory of aging rats.

Scientists reveal that one of its mechanisms is to stimulate the housekeeping response in brain cells. Today, more and more people are consuming supplements like Purest Vantage Resveratrol to experience the therapeutic goodness of acai. 

Purest Vantage Resveratrol is not just equipped with acai, but also other therapeutic ingredients like extracts of green tea, grape seed, and red wine (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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