AdMedia Explains Why Your Ads May Not Be Reaching Your Target Audience

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( — September 30, 2021) — Many online marketing companies claim that their ads are precisely targeted and will reach the exact customer base you need. Still, sometimes these companies cannot measure up in terms of providing accurately targeted ads.

Targeting an online advertisement is an exact science, and AdMedia can provide the precise results you are looking for. Based in Los Angeles, CA, the company has a national reach and is trusted by such popular consumer brands as ZipRecruiter, Keen, and Nike.

In this article, the company answers questions about why online ads are not reaching the right customers and offer help to companies struggling to place their ads appropriately.

Why Are My Online Ads Failing to Reach My Customers?

One of the biggest problems that online advertisers encounter is failing to adopt an omnichannel marketing strategy. An omnichannel strategy means that your ad can be seen everywhere your best customers may visit. This can include social media, e-commerce websites, and news sites, to name only a few. With a single channel marketing strategy, your business may have an ad in only one place, forcing your customers to search for it if they can’t readily find the name of your product or service.

The provider you have chosen for your online advertising strategy may be serving ads that only contribute to the visual noise and clutter of the Internet in general. Even if your ad is well-targeted, it is less likely to be clicked if it is perceived as annoying. Ironically, being present on too many websites that the end-user visits could irritate them to the point where they are no longer interested in becoming your customer. It is better to contextually target where and when your ad is viewed than to constantly follow the user throughout their browsing experience.

Your provider may not be serving ads to the right people at the right time. Serving targeted ads to customers who are about to make a purchase is the most effective method. If your provider cannot determine precisely when a customer is planning to make a purchase, it will be difficult for your ad to reach the right segment of the population.

How We Can Help

Your usual online advertising provider may not be using a sophisticated algorithm. Our contextual algorithm searches through large volumes of data about consumers and targets them based on high-value information like purchase history, interests, and demographics.

The algorithm works through artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning. By processing large amounts of information, the algorithm can produce valuable insights about the consumer, including their previous purchase history, search results, and the precise point in their customer journey when buying your product or that of a close competitor.

“AdMedia has several product solutions for enterprise advertisers ranging from awareness to incremental revenue and customer acquisition which are activated using our 1st party data which is refreshed in real-time using our proprietary tech by consuming cross channel search and shopping intent signals,” says a spokesperson for AdMedia. 

The algorithm provides timely information about the customer’s journey and reminds them of what they recently purchased or searched. Repeat purchases make up a significant fraction of online sales, so it is a great idea to target these customers as much as possible.

Active and Passive Consumers

To understand how best to target online advertisements, it is necessary to understand active and passive users. The active user knows exactly what they want and are prepared to buy it now. They may be searching for a specific product and comparing prices and features.

The passive user is searching with less focus. They may be idly browsing without an intention of making a purchase, or they may be window-shopping to purchase if they can find a bargain or a product they like. AdMedia’s algorithm targets the active consumer more than the passive consumer, meaning that the return on investment and clickthrough rates are higher.

Watch Out for Intrusive Ads

You may also have a problem turning off potential customers if your ads are perceived as being too intrusive

According to Forbes, forty-four percent of Internet users have considered blocking ads because they are too intrusive.

A spokesperson for AdMedia also reminds us that “A lot of advertising technology and media companies have come and gone. Advertisers need to diversify their investments, especially if they are only with 2 or 3 vendors such as Google and Facebook. Media inflation and saturation will eventually catch up to advertisers who will negatively impact ROI if they haven’t effectively diversified their search & shopping media mix.” 

Customers do not mind being targeted based on characteristics that they have revealed, like purchasing data. Still, they do not appreciate being targeted to the level of making predictions about their data. Even if this ad reaches your customers, they will likely ignore or block it because they are offended.

Understanding What the Customer Wants

Ultimately, targeting online advertising boils down to finding out what the customer wants and giving it to them. Using sophisticated algorithms, today’s online advertising providers can pinpoint who wants your product accurately and reach them at the correct point in their customer journey.

AdMedia stands ready to help your company reach and retain e-commerce customers through contextual targeting advertising. Using sophisticated methods, we can reach the customers who are planning to make an immediate purchase and want your product. Other advertising providers may not be able to reach customers with our level of accuracy.

Ensuring that your online advertising is properly targeted can be difficult, but you can feel good about your prospects with AdMedia managing your advertisements.