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Helping Cancer Patients by Leveraging Social Networking a subsidiary of Extensions, Inc. ( Symbol:EXTI ) makes use of a patent-pending technology to harness the power of independent bloggers, writers and ...

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Understanding Overtise: The Wikipedia of Search Engine Optimization

In 2001, Wikipedia changed the face of information housing on the web. As a conglomerate of articles capturing slices of user generated information, Wikipedia continues ...

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Authentest Is a Hacker’s Worst Nightmare

August 10, 2009 — Cyber crime is one of the top issues that are being dealt with by the government today. Yes, it seems pretty ...

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Making Money with Business Sense and EXT

EXT Business Sence is the Key to Making Money with Social Networking

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King of Pop buys Last Big Purchases from King of Pop Art, Nelson De La Nuez

"Michael Jackson was transfixed by the artist’s Nelson De La Nuez work, because it resembled his own life and persona"

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Introducing The New SEI

Dallas, TX, August 18, 2009 (NEWSWIRE.NET) — For over thirty years, Southern Enterprises, Inc. has set the standard for the drop ship and importing industries. ...

Read more The Social Network that Makes Money

EXT The Social Network which answers the question, how do you make money with Social Netwroking?

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Facebook watch out has figured out the way to make money in Social Networking

The EXT social networking platform seeks to fill a niche not currently filled by any existing social networking site. Platforms such as or ...

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Why Competition is Bad for American Business

On Twitter, entrepreneurs were raving about Shark Tank Show on ABC.  Unfortunately, they were being subject to the very environments that cause businesses to fail.  ...

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Newswire.Net is Calling All Independent Journalist to Unite

Newswire.Net, want to unite all independent journalist in the attempt to create the largest Internet News Agency in the World   News is definitely not ...

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