Winterizing and Weatherization Tips for Home, Vehicle, Health – Be Winter Ready

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( — October 17, 2018) — Winter is here. It is time to go through the “to do” list to get ready for the season. Tips cover home, vehicles, and personal health. Check them over.

Winter is here and it is time to go through the yearly winter check list. The response to these points differs according to geographical latitude, but there are some overall basics that can be tweaked.

Vehicle Weatherization

Make sure the anti-freeze level is appropriate to your climate. Your local mechanic can help you with this. If you live where there is an abundance of snow, you may need to make sure you have chains or snow tires. If you are new to an area, local knowledge will help you. Keep sand and shovel in the trunk of the car or back of the pickup, to be used if necessary. You will need an ice scraper as well. Also, you need a way to charge your battery if it dies. There are different models of chargers or cables available.

Home Weatherization

The most important thing is to make sure your heater does not emit carbon monoxide, a deadly gas that has no warning smell. It takes a professional to test for this. For year round monitoring, carbon monoxide alarms are available from a well stocked hardware department or store. As a side note, it is also a good time to check your fire alarms to make sure they are working.

Seal up drafts in your home to prevent expensive heat loss. Winterize your pipes so they do not freeze. Get your snow shovel or snow blower ready for action.

Health Precautions

It is time to have warmer clothing handy. Get out the winter coats, boots, hats and gloves for when you need them. If slippery ice is the norm, be sure your boots have some of grip to help prevent falls.

In the winter, it is common to see an increase of colds. Certain precautionary substances help build the immune system. Vitamin C, echinacea tea, colloidal silver, and elderberry syrup all have their proper place in the season of colds and runny noses. If you are unfamiliar with any of these items, talk to your health professional.

One quick trick to help clear excess mucus is to use an oil pull. A spoonful of coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil is put into the mouth and swished around. After a few minutes, spit it out into a trash can (not into the sink where it may clog pipes). Do not swallow it, but spit it out. Generally, this helps pull excess mucus from the throat. Again, if this is unfamiliar to you, contact your health professional.

This report was submitted by DentalCareZone