The Use of CBD for Pets with Diabetes

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( — May 8, 2020) — Diabetes, also known as sugary disease, is anything but sweet. This health disorder is quite common in humans, but it also occurs in dogs and cats. But your pet cannot complain about the symptoms. So you must pay attention to the changes in the animal’s behavior and daily routine.

Similar symptoms occur in both dogs and cats, and you can find out more about them on the link below:

What Cause Diabetes in Pets?

Diabetes can manifest in two ways, as Type 1 or Type 2. The first form occurs when the animal’s pancreas stops producing insulin. Then your pet’s body does not absorb glucose, and cells do not get energy. That is why a common symptom of this disease is high blood sugar. 

In the case of Type 2, the pancreas is still working, but insulin secretion is impaired. If left untreated, Type 2 can easily transit to Type 1. But Type 1 rarely manifests in animals. When cats or dogs have diabetes type 1, they are probably born with that.

The most common causes of diabetes are immunity issues, pancreatic infection, as well as genetic factors. Some pet breeds are more susceptible to this disease than others. If there are risk factors for your pet to get sugar disease, regular checkups are a must.

How CBD Oil Can Help

Two things need to be clarified immediately. First, CBD oil is not a cure but a supplement. Although very useful, this preparation has not yet been approved as a conventional treatment. That does not forbid you to use CBD for your pet. It means that manufacturers and vendors must not advertise it as a cure for a specific disorder.

Next thing to know is that diabetes is not curable. It becomes a condition that your furry buddy must learn to live with. With proper therapy and appropriate supplementation, your pet’s quality of life will not decline. Cannabidiol oil can help treat the symptoms of sugar disease, as well as the effects it can cause.

Treating Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is one of the culprits for the onset of diabetes in dogs and cats. The ‘relationship’ between these two conditions is strong. Untreated sugar disease only worsens pancreas inflammation. 

Pancreas function is essential in many systems of organs. When this organ is out of balance, the whole organism will suffer. Under inflammation, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. That results in resistance (type 1 diabetes) or deficiency (type 2) of this hormone.

In case the pancreas inflammation exists, CBD oil can reduce the pain your pet feels. And if your dog or kitten is healthy but belongs to the at-risk group, this product is an excellent choice because of its anti-inflammatory properties. If you use CBD oil preventively, the smallest doses will do.

Treating Consequences of Sugar Disease


The treatment of diabetes in pets must be done with conventional drugs. That is the leading way to regulate insulin levels and keep blood sugar under control. But, even though medications help, sometimes this is not enough. It is necessary to ‘boost’ therapy with natural remedies.

Your pet suffering from diabetes can vomit and lose appetite. These are common side effects of antidiabetic drugs. Regular cannabidiol intake, even at the smallest doses, will significantly improve the food intake in dogs and cats. Also, it will reduce the feeling of numbness, dizziness, and anxious behavior related to this condition.

Untreated sugar disease can cause many complications. Some of them are inflammation of the blood vessels (due to high blood sugar), kidney issues, and the appearance of neuropathic pain due to damaged nerve endings. Cannabidiol from CBD oil binds to CBD receptors, which are found on all organs. It boosts their work, reducing the pain and bringing relief to your pet.

Many owners are surprised when their cats or dogs are diagnosed with diabetes. But even affected by this disease, the animals can have a healthy and long life if appropriately treated. Besides the therapy that the vet prescribes and correction of your pet’s lifestyle habits (especially the diet), it is advisable to give them a natural supplement, in the form of CBD oil.