Birth Control Access is Still an Issue for Many Women

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( — March 2, 2020) —

Over the past few years, there has been a lot of attention paid to the major issues surrounding birth control across the world, even in the developed countries. There are several reasons why contraception access is still a problem for women everywhere. It is important to note these reasons so that changes can be made to make these products more accessible to the people who need them most.

One of the biggest challenges facing those who want to have access to contraception today is that some healthcare providers are simply too busy to see everyone in a timely manner. In general, contraception is prescribed by primary care providers There is a shortage of these doctors across the country. Sadly, not enough physicians are going into this important field. As a result, this limits people’s access to not only contraception but also routine healthcare. It is expensive to go to medical school. As a result, many doctors end up with a significant amount of debt. Therefore, they are pressured to go into fields that pay more money. This leaves many women wondering who is going to prescribe their birth control as stated by Cogan & Power, P.C..

Next, there are also some political issues surrounding birth control. Some companies are refusing to provide health insurance plans that are going to cover the cost of birth control for women. As a result, women are forced to pay for birth control out of pocket if they want it. This can be incredibly expensive. For some women, the cost of an IUD might be the equivalent of one month’s pay out of pocket. Therefore, this is simply making it even harder for someone to access the birth control they need. This issue is even being taken all the way to the Supreme Court.

Finally, there is also a lack of education surrounding birth control. Many women simply do not know the facts when it comes to birth control. They might think it is dangerous. They might even think it is painful. This is not the case. Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there for everyone. Women simply need to learn more about birth control, how it works, the benefits, and the side effects say the experts at Kathleen A. Sigurdson Attorney At Law.

These are only a few of the many barriers that in place for women who are looking for birth control. More needs to be done to make sure that everyone has access to the reproductive healthcare they deserve. It will be interesting to see what changes are made to make birth control more accessible to people.