Scott Tucker To Open Pizza Shop In Louisville

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( — March 20, 2014) Boston, Massachusetts — By Patty Beck


Scott Tucker, a master chef from Hoboken, New Jersey, is proud to announce the grand opening of East Coast Pizzeria in downtown Louisville. The Jersey native has been a pizza chef for the last eight years, with his own popular restaurants in Hoboken and on the Princeton campus. He has worked with many types of cuisine, from dim sum to burgers, but always found his way back to pizza.


“I’ve always loved Louisville, my wife’s whole family has lived here for generations,” says Tucker. “The one thing I could find wrong with this city is the lack of an authentic east coast pizza.”


Tucker set out to change Louisville’s pizza scene after a long visit during the holidays where he could not find an adequate pizza pie. He eventually decided to make his own signature brand of East Coast pizza for several dinners, to the delight of his in-laws and their neighbors.


“Everybody was coming over for pizza,” recalls Tucker. “I couldn’t make it fast enough – by the second night there must have been a dozen people asking for a slice. I joked that I could make a killing if I opened up a pop-up shop on the corner.”


Tucker’s father-in-law eventually asked him to open a restaurant with his financial backing, noting that the demand for an East Coast style pizza was a great reason to invest in Tucker’s business. The restaurant has been in the works for about six months, with Tucker installing the same type of ovens he uses in Hoboken. Tucker has also found local suppliers for his must-have ingredients.


The residents of Louisville have been waiting for the pizzeria to open its doors. Tucker has been the focus of a local TV show, many news articles, and has been interviewed on local news. The East Coast Pizzeria will open this spring.