New Royalty-free HD Video Stock Footage Site

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( — February 1, 2015) Auckland, Akl — To stand out against the growing competition, people increasingly want to be able to use exciting, informative and educational video clips. But it can be a challenge finding video footage that does not cost a fortune which people can use without fear of any expensive penalty from aggressive lawyers. Now you can find a huge range of royalty free video clips with a new website with a low-cost, simple download from anywhere.


Video is all around us these days and certainly makes any website instantly more engaging but producing videos is extremely expensive. So as marketers and designers want to give better presentations, make their websites look more appealing or create more engaging commercials, people increasingly want to be able to download low-cost royalty free stock footage video clips.


Most of the big video archives are expensive to download stock footage. A single download of an HD video can be close to $200 dollars. If you need a few for your website, then you are starting to spend a lot of money.


Another problem is that users have to be extremely careful how they use any video footage they download.  These video libraries have extremely tight restrictions on the usage of any video downloads. And if anyone tries to break those restrictions, the lawyers for those video stock companies will be issuing Cease and Desist letters faster than you can imagine. These lawyers are aggressive and nearly always win leaving the often unsuspecting, naive, user with a hefty penalty to pay.


There is a now solution to these problems. A new website,, has HD royalty free stock footage available for download with just a few clicks of the mouse. Their prices are more affordable than other similar sites bringing high quality video into the reach of far more users than previously.


The site has a huge range of video clips to browse to cover a vast array of different messages and applications. You can choose videos in many different categories from nature, people, special effects, cultural, energy and industry video clips.  The already extensive range is constantly being increased with new clips being added on a regular basis.


If you need video for your website, presentation or teaching, try Stock Giant as a starting point. And being royalty free video clips, this means you are free to use the video as you wish without fear of a nasty letter from an attorney.

Stock Giant

4 Waima St
Auckland, Akl New Zealand 1021

+64 9 360 0879