US Christianity Happiness Self Help Book For Inspiration And Motivation Launched

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Crazy Happy: Nine Surprising Ways to Live the Truly Beautiful Life, a new book by Daniel Fusco has now been released on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other major book retailers.

Crazy Happy: Nine Surprising Ways to Live the Truly Beautiful Life, an inspirational new book written by Daniel Fusco, has been released to help readers discover how to live a fulfilling and joyful life through a Christian worldview.

More information can be found at

The release follows one of the most troubling and difficult years in recent American history, a time in which many people have lost loved ones or had their lives uprooted and challenged.

In the face of these difficulties Daniel Fusco believes it has never been more essential to find the affirmation that comes through faith.

His book, Crazy Happy, has been written to help its readers find true happiness and find solutions to the problems that plague many people, from anxiety to selfishness to dissatisfaction with life.

Drawing on two of the Bible’s most familiar and beloved passages, those which open The Beatitudes and the Fruit of the Spirit, Daniel unpacks and transforms the wisdom of this originary text making it resonate for 21st Century readers.

The book has now been released in both paperback and e-book form, and more information on its sale via Amazon is available at

The goal of Crazy Happy: Nine Surprising Ways to Live the Truly Beautiful Life is to teach readers that even in this sometimes-crazy world, they have the tools within them to find the kind of God-given beauty that can change their life for the better.

Author Daniel Fusco currently serves as the Lead Pastor at Crossroads Community Church. He understands that while true happiness eludes many people, by making a new spiritual connection people can open their hearts to greater possibilities of love and happiness.

Levi and Jennie Lusko the Lead Pastors of Fresh Life Church said of the book, “Not every day feels crazy happy or truly beautiful, but in this book, Daniel brings an incredible perspective shift that will open your eyes and realign your steps to see and walk in the truth that your life, the way God sees it, is truly beautiful.”

More information on the book and it’s release across all major US book retailers is available at