Global Day of Wellness on January 6th With Access Bars

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( — January 1, 2014)  –Houston, TX

On January the 6th 2014, 2,000 facilitators in 53 countries will create a wave of consciousness by simultaneously performing an incredible physical healing technique called Access Bars. This technique has had huge success with defragging all the electro components of stress, thought and emotions for thousands of people all over the world but has never before been performed on such a large international scale.

From India to Mexico, Croatia to New Zealand and everywhere in between facilitators will be raising awareness of this technique with an estimated 3000 taking part across the world. Gary Douglas developed the Bars technique in 1984 as part of Access Consciousness, a self-improvement system.

It works on releasing both physical and mental blocks by focusing on 32 points on the head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the limitations that are keeping us from being and doing all that we would like to choose.  Each point relates to a specific area of life such as healing, ageing, peace and calm, joy and sadness, body and sexuality, money, creativity, control and awareness

Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including insomnia, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, depression, stress, migraines panic attacks, OCD and so much more. At worst people feel like they have just had a phenomenal massage; at best their whole life can change into something greater with total ease.

The changes are individual to each person and differ from session to session. Running the Bars taps into the innate knowing of the body, allowing it to change whatever is required to receive more ease and joy. There are some useful side effects of Access Bars™ too.  Greater intuitive awareness, more gratitude, kindness, peace and calm, easier communication, and more capacity to activate what we would truly like to have in our life are just the start

The Bars have been used in prisons, schools and businesses as well as for individuals seeking personal help. A Bars session usually lasts for 60 – 90 minutes and it’s a process you can undertake as a one off, a monthly or weekly experience of even every day. For more information on how to get involved check out for your nearest event or practitioner.

 For media interviews please contact – +61 415 144 407