Review of Data Finds Sitting Is Harmful Even for Those Who Exercise

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( — January 21, 2020) Orlando, FL — Exercise has long been associated with a myriad of health benefits. However, it is worth noting that it appears to be ineffective for individuals who spend a lot of time sitting.

Researchers in the United Kingdom carried out a study and found that sitting for long periods could increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and death, even for those who regularly work out. 

This research involved data from 18 studies involving over 794,000 individuals. They particularly reveal that individuals who sit for hours throughout the day are twice as susceptible to the increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and death compared to those who don’t.

The findings of this research were published in the Diabetologia journal.

The investigators noted that such an increased risk was not affected by the intensity of the exercise. This could mean that regardless of whether the person satisfies the recommended physical activity guidelines, sitting for long periods may still increase health risk.

According to Dr. Emma Wilmot, study leader, the average adult spends 50 to 70 percent of their time sitting, so the findings of this study have far-reaching implications. 

Dr. Wilmot is a research fellow in the Diabetes Research Group at the University of Leicester.

“By simply limiting the time that we spend sitting, we may be able to reduce our risk of diabetes, heart disease and death,” she adds.

While health authorities continue to warn against living a sedentary lifestyle, more and more people are still physically inactive. It is important to realize that there are ways to help the body achieve and maintain the elements needed to follow an exercise routine religiously. 

Some natural remedies like the amino acid called L-Carnitine may work wonders in delivering this benefit. It is worth mentioning that L-Carnitine has long been reputed to aid in enhancing energy production and exercise performance.

This means that it could be helpful for individuals who are struggling to follow an exercise routine. L-Carnitine may help improve β-oxidation during exercise and this ultimately improves performance. 

There have also been studies revealing the surprising effects of L-Carnitine when it comes to exercise performance and recovery. It is worth noting that according to experts, this natural remedy aids in improving vascular endothelial function.  

It is actually widely resorted to by athletes as it could aid in recovery after exercise. Experts also say that L-Carnitine could also offer many health benefits. This is why today, intake of it via supplementation is highly recommended.

Divine Bounty L-Carnitine could be an excellent choice as it is highly potent and pure. It is widely used by individuals who are trying to enhance their exercise regimen (

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