Sleep Specialists Now Warn Against the Unhelpful Tips That Perpetuate Insomnia

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( — July 30, 2021) Orlando, FL — Doctors and even scientists have long been warning against sleep deprivation, which is linked with the onset and worsening of various diseases and disorders. 

According to Australian sleep specialists, when a loved one had insomnia, the partner’s suggested solutions — including watching TV or going to bed earlier — often backfired.

Study author Alix Mellor, says that it is possible that partners are unwittingly perpetuating insomnia symptoms in the patient with insomnia.

Mellor is a postdoctoral research fellow, is coordinator of the Researching Effective Sleep Treatments (REST) project at Monash University in Victoria.

It is worth noting that individuals with insomnia usually have trouble falling or staying asleep. It is important to be warned that this can result in daytime fatigue or irritability. 

In this research, there were 31 partners of insomnia patients who were seeking treatment for their sleep problems.

The study reveals that approximately three-quarters reveal that their sleep-deprived partner went to bed early and/or woke up late. However, neither behavior is considered helpful for insomnia, and this was according to the researchers. 

It is also worth noting that accommodations made by bed partners also affected their own sleep or daytime alertness.

This interesting study was published in the Sleep journal.

It was presented at a meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, in Boston.

Today, more and more researchers are looking into ways to help individuals struggling with insomnia. It is worth realizing that some natural remedies have been found to aid in enhancing sleep quality and quantity.

One is a macromineral called magnesium, which has been found to be involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions inside the body.

It is important to realize that sleep is essential for the brain, and magnesium has been found to help. This macromineral helps in regulating both neurotransmitters and melatonin. Neurotransmitters transmit messages between the brain and nervous system. 

Individuals with depleted levels tend to experience poorer sleep.

Researchers also warn that individuals with magnesium deficiency tend to have disturbed sleep and insomnia. It is important to understand that this nutrient plays a significant role in various processes inside the body.

This macromineral can be obtained from food but there are also sprays like Purest Vantage Magnesium Oil found to be helpful. This spray is widely resorted to due to its ability to deliver the therapeutic goodness of this macromineral.

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