An Aha Study Now Finds Air Pollution a Culprit to Heart Problems

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( — February 25, 2022) Orlando, FL — Multiple research studies have long revealed that air pollution wreaks havoc on various aspects of health. Some studies have particularly demonstrated it is detrimental to cardiovascular health.

One of these studies was published in the Circulation, which is the journal of the American Heart Association. 

Previous multiple research studies have established a link between fine particulate matter, which is a dangerous type of air pollution, and the heightened risk for heart events, heart disease, and even death. 

While there is no question that air pollution has negative heart health effects, it has remained unknown why it does so. 

This is why investigators carried out the above-mentioned research. They gathered blood samples from 72 healthy, young adults in Utah between January 2013 and April 2015. All of the participants were non-smokers without exposure to second-hand smoke. 

This has ruled out the negative effects of smoke on cardiovascular health. They also took blood samples to measure inflammation markers and assess overall vascular health. 

The study findings have shown that inflammation may be the culprit behind the detrimental effects of air pollution on the heart. More particularly, the investigators reveal that increased exposure to a fine particulate matter in air pollution was linked with elevated markers of inflammation in the blood.  

Previous research studies have long demonstrated that inflammation can significantly contribute to the onset of heart disease and heart events, such as stroke and a heart attack. Experts strongly stress the relevance of reducing or avoiding exposure to pollution. It is similarly worth mentioning that certain measures can also be taken to increase the protection and health of the heart.  

Surprisingly, some nutrients like magnesium may be useful. This therapeutic mineral is widely studied due to its multiple healing benefits. A deficiency in magnesium has been linked with a long list of cardiovascular diseases and other conditions. These include painful spasms of coronary arteries, sudden cardiac arrest, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart rhythm problems such as atrial fibrillation, and cholesterol-clogged coronary arteries. 

There are quite a number of health benefits associated with the use of magnesium. It could be extremely helpful for individuals who want to increase their heart health protection. 

Today, experts are strongly stressing the relevance of maintaining adequate magnesium levels inside the body. It is important to realize that aside from its heart health benefits, this macromineral also has a great potential to ward off a range of diseases. 

To experience its healing goodness, it is wise to consider the use of sources like Purest Vantage Magnesium Oil Spray ( ).


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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