Hillary Claims Her Place in History

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(Newswire.net — June 8, 2016) — New York – Prior to the official end of the race, Hillary Clinton declared her victory Tuesday night, calling her achievement historical for being the first woman to have reached this far in US politics, the Washington Post reported.

During her speech at a rally in Brooklyn, she said that her campaign is about “making sure there are no ceilings, no limits on any of us [women].”

Clinton had already secured the majority delegates needed for the nomination, adding recent victories in New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota and California to her overall total.

Sanders supporters believed there was more to do until its game over, the AP reports. Clinton must now ensure that Sanders voters won’t vote against her, giving their votes to Trump.

She sought to make progress on both, using her own loss in 2008 to connect with Sanders’ backers. Calling on democratic unity, Clinton addressed Sanders’ voters expressing respect and understanding.

“It never feels good to put our heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and come up short,” she said. “I know that feeling well. But as we look ahead to the battle that awaits, let’s remember all that unites us.”

Recognising this moment in which Sanders supporters are more against Clinton than in favour of the democratic party, Trump also made attempts to win their hearts accusing Hillary of turning the State Department into her own private hedge fund.

Hillary Clinton, however, targeted Trump’s weakest spots – tolerance and human rights.

“When Trump says a distinguished judge born in Indiana can’t do his job because of his Mexican heritage or he mocks a reporter with disabilities or calls women pigs, it goes against everything we stand for because we want an America where everyone is treated with respect and their work is valued,” she said at the Brooklyn rally.

According to the White House representative, President Barack Obama congratulated Clinton for “securing the delegates necessary to clinch the Democratic nomination for President”. Though he has not formally endorsed her, President Obama praised Hillary Clinton’s “historic campaign.”