Authority Positioning Expert Ken Sherman Appears on Carol Farabee’s Expert Lounge

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( — March 19, 2015 – Chandler, AZ) Chandler, AZ — Ken Sherman, CEO of Go Pro Local Online Marketing made a recent guest appearance on Carol Farabee’s KFNX radio show, “The Expert’s Lounge”. Carol interviews experts in finance, insurance, social media, health and physical exercise.

Ken is an expert in authority marketing. Carol asked Ken to join her to discuss “How to Position Yourself for Success”. Their discussion ranges from simple networking to ways that small business owners and professionals can position themselves as experts in their local community and their marketplace.

Carol asked during Ken’s radio interview, “What is authority or positioning marketing, and is this something new?”

Ken states, “The name may be new, but it is personal branding on steroids.” He explained that the techniques are the same ones used by larger advertising and media companies. The methods are often used in entertainment or the sports industry to promote stars and players.

Due to the modern technologies and companies like Go Pro Local, many of these techniques are now available to the emerging business owner or entrepreneur. “Positioning lets the business owner stand apart and differentiate themselves the competition,” said Ken.

Asked whether positioning was for everyone, Ken said, “Most of our clients have already had some success. Being successful, they want even more success.” Ken explains how social media, press releases and having a published book can help with establishing a personal brand.

“What better way is there to establish yourself as a realtor than to give a first-time home buyer a copy of your best-selling book, “The Guide to First-Time Home Buying?”, asked Ken. “We position our clients as educators and advocates for their clients’ success.”

The focus on becoming a published educator and advocate completely redefines the relationship between each authority figure and their clients. Carol asked how difficult it was to become a best-selling author. Ken responded, “We make it easy to have your book created. If you have a book started and its collect dust, we can move that process along. We are able to get books done very quickly.”

“We have a best-selling campaign we put books through and it works every time,” said Ken. “A book we published last week became a best-seller last night.” He continued, “He hit #1 in four separate departments. We leverage that fact through social and national media.”

Ken explains how any enterprise where the face of the owner is the face of the business is a good fit for these techniques. Ken’s clients range from physicians and financial advisors to home inspection businesses. “We position the owner as the expert.”

When selecting a service provider, whether it is a knee surgeon or home inspector, people have choices, do their research and choose expertise every time. Ken said, “People Google the business owner’s name. The decision point is what shows up on that page.”

If a doctor has published articles, is cited in the media as an expert and has a best-selling book on your up-coming surgery, says Ken, “Just compare that to someone who has nothing and he will be the obvious choice.”

Most local businesses offer what others in the line offer. Realtors, for example, all offer the same choices, the same MLS listings, the same education, and, says Ken, “At the end of the day, none of them stand out. None of them is the stand-out choice. That’s what we help them do. We help them stand-out.”

Authority Marketing is not the same as blatant self-promotion according to Ken. Don’t mistake Authority as Arrogance. Arrogance is when you selfishly put yourself ABOVE others to benefit only yourself. Authority is when you find the courage to unselfishly LAUNCH yourself forward in order to serve others with your gift.  When you find that courage, you’ll never have to call yourself the expert again because you will have become the person that others easily see as the expert. Authority comes from independent sources and 3rd party credible sources in the media quoting you as an authority in your field.”

“If you are a professional, you are an expert. You know more than your prospects. If you are willing to share that knowledge with your clients, that will make you an expert in their eyes,” said Ken. “That is what we do – bring that expertise out into the open.”

“Mindset is the real limiting factor. You don’t have to know everything. You just have to know more than your prospects and you have to be willing and able to help them. It’s a very easy thing” says Ken.

You can hear the whole interview on Ken’s website at


About Go Pro Local Online Marketing

Go Pro Local helps business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs to become the trusted authority, expert and leader in their industry and local area. By having our clients featured in multi-media and leveraging the media attention into recognition, we create the tipping point that makes our clients the logical pick when buyers are making a choice. A full list of services also includes website design, search engine optimization, online visibility, and online lead generation strategies.

Go Pro Local Online Marketing

2225 W. Pecos Rd. #12
Chandler, AZ United States 85297
